Dead Suns 087: What’s in the Box?

Roll For Combat: Paizo's Official Pathfinder & Starfinder Actual Play Podcasts show

Summary: The RFC Crew continue their fight with the CR 10 Solarian, who due to a “misprint” by Paizo, has the armor of a CR 17 Solarian. WHOOPS!!! I guess it’s TPK-time … that is unless they manage to somehow win the lottery or something this week, but what’re the chances of that?!?<br> Also, this week GM Stephen gives a full report of his PaizoCon 2019 experience (spoiler, it was awesome).<br> And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast on our Patreon page: <a href=""></a> where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!<br> If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">subscribe to the podcast</a>. We would also love it if you would <a href=";ls=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">leave us a review on iTunes</a>!<br>