Episode 26 – The Seed, The Root, and The Tree

Total iPad show

Summary: On this episode of Total iPad, Jennifer and I discuss the FBI having millions of Apple UDID numbers or did they? We also discuss some of the upcoming changes to iOS 6 and what that means for the new iPad. Been in a Best Buy lately? Noticed that the tablet section is almost as big as the laptop section? Thank Apple for that. They took a dead tablet market and evolved it into what we have today, the future of computing. Show Notes: AntiSec hackers leak 1,000,001 Apple device IDs allegedly obtained from FBI breach Apple says that it did not give the FBI any UDIDs, and that it’s banning them anyway Here’s how to check if your Apple device UDID has been compromised by the AntiSec leak FBI Issues Denial About Leaked UDID List Twitter Refusing to Hand Over Tweets in Occupy Trial iOS 6 Preview App Picks: Drafts for iPad - Agile Tortoise Drafts Review Drafts Demo Video Terminology - Agile Tortoise Frenzic - The Iconfactory Tip: Increase text size in Mail.app