Eurovision Song Contest 2019

Don Woods show

Summary: I watched The Eurovision Song Contest which was hard going......and as usual we were bottom of the pile.....what I can't understand is why don't we realise that NOVELTY is what is required....Bucks Fizz with the skirts pulled off....Brotherhood of Man with their silly dance....the bearded "lady" etc.....much as I like the lad who represened us we missed the best song in the run was called "Freaks" and would have done well....but our public unfortunately thought otherwise....the music business is,and always has been,full of egotists who would have difficulty playing a tambourine yet think they know more than real musicians.....and when we come last every year we blame "politics".....which has nothing to do with it....professional songwriters and someone who actually knows about presentation is required then perhaps we would have something we can offer......or perhaps just call it a day? 2.There is a strange addiction with modern day road users....they simply HAVE to matter what speed you are doing they MUST get could be doing 150 m.p.h. and they would still HAVE to get past........I live in a cul de sac and have to turn into it from the main road...sometimes I have to wait for oncoming traffic to clear and I can guarantee some idiot will struggle to squeeze past on the inside....WHY??....they will save themselves about 10 seconds...everyone is in such a hurry and every day we have huge tailbacks on motorways because of brainless idiots.....anyone who thinks they are Lewis Hamilton and isn't should get a life ban which would make the roads a lot safer. 3.The Jeremy Kyle Show has been axed by ITV because one of the contestants has committed suicide....this is a terrible situation which has sadly been waiting to happen.....I think all shows like this should be is not entertainment and wouldn't be missed by anyone with half a brain....the small percentage of sad fools who watch this garbage shouldn't be given any consideration...and as for Mr.Kyle I don't know how he got where he is (or was).....he MUST have been smacked around in school....he MUST have been....he is such a prat........and Martin Clunes has been removed from his programme on animals because he climbed up on an elephant using its ears...which hasn't gone down too well with elephant lovers.....and as he is a white heterosexual Anglo Saxon male he has no argument as he can't use the racist card or the sexist card or the discrimination that's that. 4.There was a very interesting programme on BBC4 called "the people's history of pop" which looked back to the beginnings of skiffle and rock and was presented by included people who were there at the time (including our mate Roger Baskeyfield) was a great programme but unless you were there it is hard to comprehend the impact it created....I was 11 when I walked into a local cinema with a mate and saw Rock Around The Clock......I walked out of the cinema a different lad....learnt to play guitar (which my dad made me from a kit) formed a skiffle group and off we went.....the programme illustrated this so well as it progresed through the beginning of Merseybeat etc.....and the strange thing is it didn't seem that long ago.....are we really that old? 5.Which brings me to this weeks song.....during those very early years I saw one of our local top skiffle groups called "The Atlantics" which was the first time I heard an electric guitar played live....the leader of the group was John Lomax who went on to make award winning films (he was featured in the Donald Campbell drama called Days that Changed The World).....forty years later we met and became great friends and put a skiffle group together and topped the bill at a skiffle convention in Finland....John was a great guy who I thought the world of....sadly he is no longer with us....but I wrote this song for the convention and got him in the here it is my tribute to my mate "The Story of Skiffle" by John Lomax