Ebola Update, ISIS update,The Myth Of The Tactical Reload

Contra Radio Network show

Summary: I have to apologize to the listeners of this program for the prolonged absence.  I have been involved in another project to bring the Patriot views and concerns to the public.  This was done by request,  It has been 3 weeks since I have started this project and have found it to be interesting, however, it is also cost prohibitive for me to do 2 shows on this platform.  With that said, I will be incorporating the Patriot views and concerns into this program along with the Prepper views and news as well.  Starting today, with this show it begins.  The Contrapreppers facebook page will still be operating as well as the Contrafighter wordblog.  This evenings show will focus on the Ebola outbreak, and the US response.  Also we will discuss the tactical reload.  A concern to Patriots is the ISIS threat along the Southern border.  I would like to welcome Professional Beverage Service as a new sponsor to this program.