Show 117...Sis And Dad With Leighanne Scheuermann - 5:25:19, 11.50 AM

Breakfast with Sis show

Summary: Show 117 with Sis and Dad and our new cool friend Leighanne Scheuermann, with Written and Bound. Leighanne is an amazing person who is on purpose to help grow confident readers. She reviews the 5 ways to cultivate confidence in little learns. Everything she discussed also applied to me...WOW, this is such a great show. Leighanne will definitely need to come back to share additional wisdom. Check out her crazy cool website here... The 5 ways... 1)Process over product 2)Learning to fail 3)Give a strong foundation 4)Home Environment 5)Focus on strengths Books: Growth Mindset, Carol Dweck The Gift of Failure, Jessica Lahey Strengths Finder, Tom Rath The Changemaker, Tony Bridwell