A New Beginning Can Start In 2014

Talking About You With ESTRA show

Summary: One of the best things about 2014 New Year is everyone has a chance to start fresh.  Share new goals, dreams, and hopes. Carrying past pains, such as a car accident will not be erased.  Each year holds good and unpleasant memories. Concentrating on future not 2013 may take life in a better direction.  Tune in on Saturdays at 11 am PST for “Talking About You with ESTRA” on Blog Talk Radio.  This year’s program will feature Guest Speakers  as we discuss experiences dealing with Auto  Insurance Companies, Employers, Long-Term Disability Insurance Claim Processing, Social Security Disability, along with general traffic collision questions and concerns.  Harassment, Intimidation, and Surveillance both cyber, at home, and public places are among topics.  Visit with ESTRA for more information from an injured person's perspective.  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Talking-About-You-with-ESTRA/366637396785560