A Chapter From "Own Your Everyday" - Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

She Podcast show

Summary: <p>Sometimes when you start small, or begin something new, you can feel a bit like an imposter or a fraud. Like, why should someone trust or like something that YOU have created? That feeling can seem so strong and real, it’ll leave you thinking you’re stuck in your circumstances or have made all the wrong decisions. Can you relate? Truth is: we’ve all felt this way- and it’s just as untrue and false for all of us. In this episode, listen in as Jordan walks through Chapter 4 of Own Your Everyday and drops some some truth bombs on how to eradicate these lies and step into your purpose. You’ll learn how to identify the reasons you’re holding yourself back (ahem - expectations), the tangible steps to take to break through the mindset limitations, and how to kick your fear of embarrassment. Sister, it’s time to start envisioning your life as a path to walk on - not a as box to sit in - because your purpose is way too important to settle for anything less. </p><br><p>Get the book here: <a href="https://jordanleedooley.com/book" target="_blank">jordanleedooley.com/book</a></p><p>Book tour info: <a href="https://jordanleedooley.com/oye-tour" target="_blank">https://jordanleedooley.com/oye-tour</a></p><br><p>Say hi on social!</p><p><a href="https://instagram.com/jordanleedooley" target="_blank">Instagram</a></p><p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/jordanleedooley/" target="_blank">Facebook</a></p>