#20 - International student arrested for working too much, prison inmate gets prison guard pregnant

This Week in Toronto show

Summary: 'Tis a funny bizarre week art thou my friends, sorry Temba has been watching too much game of thrones. An international student, Jobandeep Sandhu, that was arrested a year and a half ago has done an interview this past week talking about facing deportation for working more than 20 hrs a week. The gun buyback program has officially ended after a few weeks, and over 2,700 guns have been collected, Temba talks about why this still won't solve any gun violence occurring in the future. A person had crashed their ATV and eventually died from his injuries, Temba recalls his near death experience driving an ATV. Another week, another Brampton L, a brampton man had defrauded multiple potential tenants with apartment deposits, Temba says he had received multiple emails this week and calls in the past regarding money and tax scams. Another amber alert was sent out, thus more people complaining and calling 911 emergency line about being woken up from their beauty sleep, Temba rants on why people feel entitled. A woman says her dog was stolen on the subway after she fell asleep, it was near midtown area, the most ghetto area in Toronto, like Mufasa once said, you must never go there. And a prison inmate got a prison guard pregnant after multiple times of fraternizing, they also pulled a bonnie and clyde around the city as well, a true love story. Also a new segment called "This Week in Toronto History" Temba talks about the first railway being built, one of the first armouries for canadian army and milita in the late 1800's, and the first canadian place being the first bank ever in canada. Thanks for listening and SUBSCRIBING! (I reviewed the week of May 13 - 19, 2019). iTunes l  Spotify l Stitcher l Android l Google Play Podbean l TuneIn l RSS  email: thisweekinto@hotmail.com email for questions to be answered on air or to be a co host of the show, must live in toronto area Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinto/ Follow Temba in twitter: https://twitter.com/tembajennings this week in toronto history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railway_Lands https://tayloronhistory.com/2016/01/27/torontos-lost-armouries-on-university-avenue/ https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA745CA745&ei=sD3iXICdL4bl_QbtgLjgDQ&q=first+canadian+place+history&oq=first+canadian+place+hist&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.35i39.7585.8866..9697...0.0..0.76.358.5......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0j0i67j38.2MWWAULVve0