Unlock the Passion and Open Up the Door to YOU with La Shonda Herring!

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: La Shonda is here to tell you Amazing woman you are a DIVA, QUEEN and GODDESS on the inside. You want something more out of life then what is presently showing up, she gets it!!!<br><br> <br><br>She created this sacred place for women to get help along their journey to service the tribe they were born to serve. La Shonda uses her training toolbox, called {Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Law of Attraction, metaphysical concepts and traditional education (BS in psychology &amp; MSW)} to assist women in creating peace of mind so they can get clarity on their gifts &amp; talents which are then used to create financial security and abundance. Along the way, they gain confidence and love who they truly are so they can stand in their power to create a lifestyle that givens them quality time with family and friends without be exhausted, time for caring for themselves to recharge their “battery” without feeling guilt but feel nurtured, supported and loved.<br><br>La Shonda remembers when she was “struggling”- did not trust herself, did not know her sacred gifts &amp; talents, She thought they were the same as her skills; La Shonda had not stepped into her power. She was afraid of failing if her left my job that made her feel miserable. She still wanted to help people but did not know how to do that. What others did not know was that she was afraid of what her heart desired. Everything in her life reflected doubt, fear and unmet desires.<br><br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/Herringzone/" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/Herringzone/</a><br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/lashonda.herring.5" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/lashonda.herring.5</a><br><a href="http://www.thehzone.net/ae.html" rel="noopener">www.thehzone.net/ae.html</a>