Unilateral Marriages #380

Sexy Marriage Radio show

Summary: <br> What do you do when you find yourself stuck against a stone wall in marriage? And that wall is your spouse and their unwillingness or disinterest in participating in sex?<br> Also, a woman calls in wanting help understanding what to do since her breasts don’t arouse her since having a child.<br> And our thoughts on kids and married life.<br> Enjoy the show!<br> __________<br> Got a question?<br> CALL US 214-702-9565<br> Or Email Us at feedback@sexymarriageradio.com.<br> Listen to <a href="http://smrnation.com/series/sexymarriageradio/">Sexy Marriage Radio</a> below …<br> <br> <br> <br> Get even more help in the Academy<br> Get help for your relationship and sex life from the comfort of your own home.<br> This is an opportunity for YOU to fully experience the fact that “The BEST SEX can happen IN the Marriage Bed!” …<br> <a class="button-purple" href="http://smrnation.com/smracademy/">Join Today!</a><br> <br>