Jason Dumois, CEO of eLearning Talent

Faith@Work show

Summary: Serial tech entrepreneur. Pioneer/CEO in the eLearning industry. Employee engagement/recognition scholar who is currently working with an amazingly awesome team to build our “patent pending” employee appreciation platform that will engage > recognize > reward employees like never before. We believe in "The Power of Thank You!" Get ready! It’s coming. Podcast Host of C-level Show. Jason created this show for C-level executives to share their inspirational stories, advice, and tips with listeners around the world. Jason started out in the late 1990s developing eLearning courseware. He has led the strategy for helping companies break into eLearning as well as grow their eLearning teams and curriculums. He knows how to build "Dream Teams". He has managed 100% remote teams of over 20 employees and is a big believer in a remote workforce. Very creative/innovative individual and is always thinking "outside the box". Jason is an "Ideas Machine" and is always coming up with ways to disrupt markets. Serial tech entrepreneur with a passion for helping people and businesses succeed, especially through the use of technology and education. Driven to create products and solutions that disrupt markets and make a huge difference. Believe in creating win-win relationships, valuable strategic partnerships, and establishing high trust. Formula for success: Attitude + Action = Results You must have a positive attitude and believe in yourself. There is a lot of power in positive thinking! Don’t wait, take action, and the results you desire will eventually come. Diabetes Advocate - My son lives with Type 1 Diabetes. I’m an advocate for inspiring and improving diabetes education and technology! eLearning, Innovation, Employee Engagement/Recognition, Investing, Advising, Entrepreneurship, Recruiting, Networking, Relationship Building, Entrepreneurship, Executive Leadership, C-level Executive, Podcast Host, SaaS Faith@Work features business people discussing their faith and the impact it has had on their life and work. Please subscribe to our podcast and follow us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/faithatworkradio/ and reach out to our sponsor www.lymerevive.org.