Getting back your mojo learning about with guilt-free healthcare with Dr Heather Bartos

Get Happy Hour show

Summary: BIOGRAPHY I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Heather Bartos - Practicing OB-GYN and grande dame of Vaginal Edutainment. If that first sentence has you scratching your head (or intrigued) let me explain. Dr. Bartos has been edutaining women about their well being, sexuality, and health since 2003. She’s anything but a stuffy white coat; Dr. Bartos strives to provide her audience with important self-care tips in a gut-busting, girl’s girl style that knocks down the barriers of the typical doctor-patient relationship. She tells it like it is in a way that makes the listener, reader, or patient in the stirrups come back for more! Dr. Bartos has been featured in many national publications for women (including Glamour, Huff Post and more), is an international speaker, and has a book in the works. She is also a wife, mom of two and runs a ‘village for women’s health’.   She gets busy women and busy women get her. Getting Back your Mojo Lifting the FOG: guilt-free healthcare Self-care doesn’t equal Haagen Das! SHOWNOTES Heather’s first job was in marketing and advertising and then went into medical school and priorities health and happiness. Heather believes it is about relinquishing the victim mentality and taking ownership of your health. Looking at self-care and what your movement is like is the first thing that women need to look at according to Heather. Heather talks about her book Mindshift Medicine. It is about growing with age and dealing with it and thinking about what you want your health to look like in 5 years in the same way people do a vision board for finances for example. Heather talks about how affirming it is “I am enough” for mind, body, soul care. Heather talks about writing out the three biggest “I can’ts” and turning them into “I won’ts” and practicing looking the mirror when brushing your teeth for example Heather’s definition of happiness is that it’s contagious and a virus you should give to yourself Heather’s morning routine involve thinking about her day ahead and think about her gratitude Heather’s joy is her kids and quiet time with veging out and relaxing in front of tv Her favourite food is sushi Heather’s non-negotiables are personal self-care, gratitude and journaling FOG – forgiveness, ownership and gratitude is a starting point on working on self-care and helping to benefit health. When Heather battled with pneumonia is was a catalyst for her to look at health care and work in the industry in another way Heather’s fantasy dinner dates would be her late grandfather, J K Rowling and Michelle Obama If Heather has a theme song it would be “Show me the way” Heather’s things that make her laugh is Will Ferrell movies, Gratitude is shown to lower cortisol, cholesterol, BP and have health benefits so doing a gratitude practice and getting Vitamin G coursing through your body is a great thing that people can do for their health BOOKS Like Water for Chocolate – Laura Esquival Essentialism – Greg McKeown   LINKS