S4E11 CBD, Consciousness, Entanglement, And Quantum Gravity, Climate Change, and Creating Reality with Klee Irwin

The Secret To Success show

Summary: n this episode, I talk to world-famous Quantum Physicist Klee Irwin. This episode is EVERYTHING!!! We talk about everything to why CBD can save the world, high levels of consciousness, quantum entaglement, Quantum Gravity, and so much more. Quantum Gravity Research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ztlIAYTCU https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1AZAA_enUS744US744&ei=qaXMXPvrAqja0gK6w7eYAg&q=hacking+reality+youtube&oq=hacking+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.35i39j0i67l2j0j0i67j0l5.5391.6175..7031...0.0..0.78.561.8......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i131.bFSYikemHUc As a follow-up to your conversations he asked me to send you the following: · Klee’s personal website https://www.kleeirwin.com/blog/cbd-in-your-coca-cola-not-yet-but-soon/ · QGR website https://www.quantumgravityresearch.org/ · Irwin Naturals website https://irwinnaturals.com/ · Pain Nation book website https://www.pain-nation.com/ · Which can be bought on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1989025382/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 · Klee’s Researchgate profile https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Klee_Irwin2 · A copy of his paper A New Approach to the Hard Problem of Consciousness attached · What is Reality film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ztlIAYTCU · Hacking Reality film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJi3_znm7ZE&t= · QGR youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUyk0KLo7JPLCCh4oRNLzsQ About Klee Klee Irwin is an author, physicist and entrepreneur, who dedicates the majority of his time to Quantum Gravity Research (QGR), a research institute he founded in 2009. The mission of the organization is to discover the geometric first-principles unification of space, time, matter, energy, information and consciousness. As the Director of QGR, Klee manages a dedicated team of mathematicians and physicists developing emergence theory. Since 2009, the team has published numerous papers and journal articles laying out some of the mathematical building blocks and axiomatic ideas for this unification model. Klee is also the founder and owner of Irwin Naturals, an award-winning global natural supplement company providing alternative health and healing products sold in thousands of retailers ranging from Walmart to Whole Foods. Irwin Naturals is a long-time supporter of Vitamin Angels, which aims to provide lifesaving vitamins to mothers and children at risk of malnutrition thereby reducing preventable illness, blindness, and death and creating healthier communities. Outside of his work in physics and nutraceuticals, such as CBD, Klee is active in supporting students, scientists, educators and founders in their aim to discover solutions leading to high impact positive change in the world. He has supported and invested in a wide range of people, causes and companies including Change.org, Upworthy, Donors Choose, Moon Express, Mayasil, the X PRIZE Foundation, and Singularity University, where he is an Associate Founder. Klee is a southern California native who splits his time between his hometown of Los Angeles and his favorite place to be – Hana, Maui. Whether you are an already established coach, teacher, speaker, or business person, or if you are brand new and have been dreaming about starting your own business, you need to focus on the right things and get the best support to achieve your dream. The Bureau of Dominant Speakers has everything you need to be a success. https://www.theatsjr.com/dominantspeakers Join Plant Better University, the Netflix of Personal Development http://plantbetteruniversity.com/ While others are spending thousands of dollars on personal development each year, the ATS Jr. Companies offers our one-of-kind Plant Better University program. Plant Better University is a life coach that give you up to 50 new coaching and training videos featuring the entire ATS Jr. Companies Staff that n(continued)