Season 4 Episode 18 - Fully Human: Take a Stand

Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus show

Summary: Most have heard that you should love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, but what does “all your strength” really entail? When our strength inevitably fails, what does it look like to rely on Jesus and stand our ground? Join Rick for a series exploring the human side of Jesus and the practical ways we can incorporate this into our lives. By looking at examples in the Bible, we’ll explore how Jesus modeled strength to us. Have you joined the Pigs? We’re a group of friends ready to go all-in with Jesus—to live a life that’s “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group. Join Here: Related Resources: Spiritual Grit: A Journey Into Endurance. Character. Confidence. Hope. Growing Spiritual Grit: 52 Personal Devotions Growing Spiritual Grit for Teenagers: 40 Devotions The Jesus-Centered Bible: The Jesus-Centered Journal: The Jesus-Centered Life: The Life You Didn’t Think Was Possible, With the Jesus You Never Knew by Rick Lawrence The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, Revised Edition by Edwin H. Friedman Photo by Caleb Ekeroth on Unsplash