True Capitalist Radio hosted by Ghost - episode #411

The Ghost Show show

Summary: Markets continue smoke from the false profits pipe! Donald Trump names Rex Tillerson as Sec. of State & Rick Perry to head Dept. of Energy. Kanye West visits Trump at Trump Towers? FBI & ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) dispute CIA's "Russian Hacking" claims. Obama claims in a "Comedy Central" interview that "America ‘By no means’ has overcome ‘LEGACIES OF SLAVERY, JIM CROW, COLONIALISM, RACISM? Germany next country to claim Russian Hacking as Angela Merkel runs for 4th term. Iran now building nuclear warships (claims America viloated the deal); promises World War. And Russia's ambassador to the UN, "Aleppo battle to end as Syria rebel deal reached." Ghost goes off on a study that finds 1 in 6 Americans take Psychiatric Drugs! Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!   Twitter: @PoliticsGhost @PoliticsGhost