道听途说  show

Summary: <p>「道听途说」播客第三期。<br></p> <p>For Your Reference<br> 相关资料链接<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">本期特邀嘉宾<br> </h2><p>Rosalind Coleman<br> -<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">与酒店相关的音乐、电影、纪录片和书<br> </h2><p>一张唱片<br> Room 29 by Chilly Gonzales / Jarvis Cocker<br></p> <p>两部电影<br> Somewhere by Sofia Coppola<br> Paris Can Wait by Eleanor Coppola<br></p> <p>三部纪录片<br> Always at The Carlyle<br> Inside Claridge's<br> A Hotel for the Super Rich and Famous<br></p> <p>一本书<br> Hotel Theory by Wayne Koestenbaum<br> -<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">麦克白及其延伸<br> </h2><p>James McAvoy's Macbeth, Trafalgar Studios<br> John Singer Sargent<br> Henry Fuseli<br> -<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">Dogs In Sleep No More Masks<br> </h2><p><a href="https://dogsinsleepnomoremasks-blog.tumblr.com/">https://dogsinsleepnomoremasks-blog.tumblr.com/</a> <br> -<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">莎士比亚相关<br> </h2><p>Ben Whishaw<br> Hamlet / Richard II<br> <br> Upstart Crow<br> Something Rotten<br> -<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">关于巫师的联想<br> </h2><p>展览<br> Harry Potter - A History of Magic<br> <br> 哈利·波特与麦金侬<br> Herbology/Divination<br> Magical creatures<br> <br> 历史上的猎巫事件<br> <br> 书<br> Ian Bostridge<br> Witchcraft and its Transformations c.1650–c.1750<br> -<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">「不眠之夜」的宗教意象<br> </h2><p>炼狱<br> Catholic vs. Protestant<br> Counter-reformation<br> Council of Trent<br> -<br></p> <h2 class="md-block">蓝色的故事<br> </h2><p>Virgin Mary &amp; Ultramarine<br> Giotto<br> Scrovegni Chapel<br> Line vs. Colour<br> <br> Yves Klein &amp; IKB<br> 海绵浮雕系列/人体测绘系列<br> 单音-静默交响乐<br> 一份报纸<br> <br> 电影<br> Derek Jarman 「Blue」<br></p> <p>-<br> 主播 Meg &amp; Orange<br> 微博 @道听途说播客<br></p> <p><br> 「道听途说」是假艺术节的独立播客项目。<br> 本期内容的配套图文索引,已同步更新在微信公众平台「假艺术节」。</p>