EP 420 – Mormon Marriages

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat makes a perfect marriage? There is no panacea, but Nate and Angilyn Bagley work tirelessly to find ways to make a marriage a truly celestial one on their podcast Mormon Marriages. The show highlights different Latter-day Saint couples and covers numerous themes, including mixed-faith relationships, addiction recovery, gratitude, faith, and more. They are dedicated to their craft.<br> <br> But what makes them tick as a couple? Join us as we learn about how they have applied profound counsel in their marriage and how looking at sources inside and outside the Church can benefit you and your spouse.<br> <br> Visit Mormon Marriages<a href="https://www.mormonmarriages.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">their nifty website</a> at and subscribe to the podcast.<br> <br> Intro and outro music courtesy of <a href="https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Keys of the Moon</a>.<br> Transcript<br> Twim:<br> [0:20] Hello there everyone thank you once again for taking the time to listen to this weekend warm and it's nice to be with you I haven't talked to you for a couple of weeks and I apologize<br> I for that wonderful to hear the sisters last week<br> the week before that we actually did have a show recorded but due to some technical difficulties it never got published,<br> and that's just going to it's just going to disappear into the annals of History maybe for those of you who support us on patreon,<br> a picture of just patreon. Com or you can pledge money and help support twin maybe for my Teton exclusive her for you if you want to hear some disastrous audio.<br> <br> [0:58] Let me know patreon supporters please drop me a line Jeff at this week in Mormons. Com by the way if you haven't done patreon check it out like a buck a month if you want any amount you want but I'm just saying pay hop on their folks,<br> budget Buckmaster help us keep the lights on so to speak anyway,<br> you have not heard a co-host yet this week because once again I'm going down the interview Lane yes and we're going to keep talking about marriage you might remember a handful of weeks ago I had Alan and Katie mount on<br> the show they hosting married on a tightrope podcast where they talk about their mixed-faith marriage if you haven't heard that go back look in the feed<br> it's a very worthwhile episode one of the ones quite frankly I'm most proud of in nearly 10 years of doing this and this week we talked to Angela and Nate Bagley who hosted the Mormon marriages podcast<br> what's the focus more on how to select realize your marriage so to speak but in a very real way they collectively have done,<br> a lot of research on this matter this is something you're passionate about their not to two people hanging out talking about their relationship,<br> they talk about the real science involved behind relationships and of course they do it from a Latter-Day Saint perspective,<br> it's a great interview there they're terrific sports for hanging out and talking to us so you can go to Mormon marriages. Comment subscribe to their podcast wherever you get Podcast and likewise,<br> if I can do a quick plug.<br> <br> [2:18] Please subscribe to this weekend Mormon wherever you get Podcast Apple Google Stitcher whatever you want it's all there and if you really really would want to go the extra mile,<br> brightness review on iTunes when you do that it helps us and rankings and searches and such as what helps other people find women just about oh good the show has more reviews,<br> and is more visible and actually helps people find the show and help more people be aware of its very existence and this is our 10th season,<br> 10 seasons of twin of This World sitcom they change our our logo so it would be in Gold lettering or something along those lines to celebrate,<br>