Creating your Ideal Client Profile and Replicating Them

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about Creating Your Ideal Client Profile and replicating them. During the course of my many conversations with coaching clients, I have found that many don’t have an Ideal Client Profile written down. Most have an idea in their head or they have a few things written down but not a total list of what they really want. Consider this: Who are the clients you like the best and enjoy serving? It’s okay to tell the marketplace, these are the people who are best service by you and your firm. It is also okay to disengage from those who you don’t enjoy being around and every time they call, you have a negative reaction. Life is for enjoying, don’t waste time with people you want enjoy or want to be around. Imagine your firm with only clients who provide you the revenue to life the lifestyle you want and you actually enjoy servicing. We discuss several Ideal Client Profile options for you to consider and implement in your business to increase your success. Then we will talk about the applying the power of replicating only your Ideal Clients. Your ultimate objective might be to take on only those clients who match your Ideal Client Profile. Sometimes it doesn’t always work out this way if you need money to survive; however, when you focus on attracting Ideal Clients you have a better chance of acquiring them. Figure out exactly what you want, state it clearly, and allow the “replicators” to work for you. Reap the rewards! Aim for what you want each and every day! For more information go to