127: A Sandwich and Some Six Pack Abs

A Sandwich and Some Lovin’ show

Summary: Kellie and Allen have dropped some weight, but let's be honest...Kellie's booty could use some toning, and Allen said he wanted abs so tight that we can bounce quarters off his stomach on the Podcast Family Vacation in Mexico in July. That's why they've been doing Emsculpt at Smart New You in Irving, TX! One 30-minute session for Kellie is equivalent to doing 20,000 squats! One 30-minute session for Allen is the same as doing 20,000 crunches! How is that possible? How does it work? Does it hurt while you're doing it? Can you walk the next day? Who's the perfect candidate for Emsculpt? ALL of these questions and more will be answered for you by Chelsee from A Smart New You.  And since our podcast family has been asking non-stop, "When's the next happy hour?" Kellie and Allen give you the details. And also, Kellie, Allen and Chelsee reveal their favorite celebrity body parts.