#90: Adam Lash

Super Hero Speak show

Summary: Welcome to the first in what we hope to be a continuing series of Comics on Comics. This is where we sit down with a stand up comedian and talk comic books with them. Adam Lash is not only a very funny stand up comedian, and a huge comic book nerd, he is also one of the co-creators behind the web series Gigahoes. An in depth look at what relationships with sex robots will be like in the future. Oh yeah, be warned this episode is a little more PG-13 than usual. So sit back enjoy and have a laugh on us!<br> <a href="http://superherospeak.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/shs-alash.png"></a><br> Adam’s website: <a href="http://www.adamlashcomedy.com/">http://www.adamlashcomedy.com/</a><br> Follow Adam on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/TheAdamLash">https://twitter.com/TheAdamLash</a><br> And check out the Gigahoes website: <a href="http://gigahoes.com/">http://gigahoes.com/</a><br> #stumpthegeekspeak question of last week: Who was the first major character to die in the Marvel Ultimate Universe?<br> Answer: Gambit in Ultimate X-Men annual 1<br> And the winner is Devon Kopec! Congrats Devon you are the Geek of the Week!<br> #stumpthegeekspeak question of the week: in the mid-70s Marvel had a strange rule about wolverine involving hair. What was it?<br> To answer post on our FB page or tweet @SuperHeroSpeak #stumpthegeekspeak. A winner will be announced on the next episode.<br> Don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list. Never miss a Super Hero speak update/episode again!<br> Follow us on Twitter:<a href="%20https://twitter.com/SuperHeroSpeak"> https://twitter.com/SuperHeroSpeak</a><br> Like us and leave feed back on Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Superherospeak">https://www.facebook.com/Superherospeak</a><br> Click here to check out Fathead.com and support the show!<br> <a href="http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-7404710-10446493" target="_top"></a><br> <a href="%20http://www.fathead.com/find/superheroes/?cm_mmc=CJ-_-AFFILIATE-_-7404710-_-10446493&amp;cvosrc=affiliate.cj.7404710"> http://www.fathead.com/find/superheroes/?cm_mmc=CJ-_-AFFILIATE-_-7404710-_-10446493&amp;cvosrc=affiliate.cj.7404710</a><br>