#135: John Orlando

Super Hero Speak show

Summary: This week the guys sit down with artist John Orlando. John is a comic book artist and writer best known for his work on Journey into Madness and Cybergen. He also produces and independent book FHA-Q. He has now teamed up with Outpouring Comics and they will be releasing the John Orlando collection, so keep an eye out for that. And in the mean time, sit back and enjoy!<br> <a href="http://superherospeak.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/shs-jorlando.png" rel="attachment wp-att-1939"></a><br> John Orlando’s website: <a href="http://johnorlandoart.wix.com/john-orlando-art">http://johnorlandoart.wix.com/john-orlando-art</a><br> John Orlando on Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/JohnOrlandoArtist/">https://www.facebook.com/JohnOrlandoArtist/</a><br> Follow us on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/SuperHeroSpeak">https://twitter.com/SuperHeroSpeak</a><br> Like us and leave feedback on Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Superherospeak">https://www.facebook.com/Superherospeak</a><br>  <br>