Subway Songman

Don Woods show

Summary: It is difficult to find a drama on T.V. which doesn't involve graphic displays of shootings and stabbings which are totally unnecessary...and they all begin with "you might find some of the violent scenes disturbing".....SO WHY HAVE THEM?.....if the story MUST have violent killings do we need to see it with the "cleverly" faked stab wounds and blood everywhere.....I started to watch a series called MotherFatherSon starring Richard Gere and the first episode showed an operation where they cut off the top of a blokes head in hospital...very clever from the make up team...if you are not having your tea...then there is a series called "The Following" where there are endless stabbings with all the gore.....not to mention "24" with Kiefer Sutherland shooting everyone is sight....and we wonder why knife crime is on the increase....this sort of stuff simply puts ideas into brainless heads. We are now going to have multi gender toilets in public places....because as you know we have many different genders nowadays....not to mention those who are "gender fluid" who haven't quite made up their minds (do I take my rugby kit to school...or do I take my tu tu to ballet lessons?) the moment we do have single toilets in cafes where you go in and lock the door....but the latest ones will be walk in ones for all genders.....I wonder how long it will be before some bloke staggers in bouncing off the walls after 12 pints to be greeted by a high pitched scream and to eventually sober up to find himself in court after being accused by some mentally scarred female of sexual harassment? The latest question is "should bicycles have number plates?"......apparently ALL cyclists are criminals....they ride past and steal mobile phones and handbags number plates are the answer.....whoever comes up with these ideas definitely needs if some yob is going to register his bike which he has probably stolen anyway....then there was the suggestion that cyclists should be breathalised.....what happens if they are over the limit? they lose their number plates?........or could it be a way of getting more money out of us?......the only thing that will help towards curing crime is to make public examples of those responsible.....a harsh sample of jail life would's time we reviewed human rights and put some sense into our legal system which seems to be losing its way. I was in Wales last week and went to a spot I have been going to for years....I parked up and went for a two hour walk....when I got back I noticed in the corner of the car park a pay and display machine which has never been there before....which you don't notice on the way in....fortunately the jobsworth attendant hadn't completed his rounds so there was no no £50 fine...which I feel very guilty about I don't think....I must say it gave me a feeling of wellbeing................and finally there was an article on the morning news discussing computer dating and how people misdescribe themselves.....I've never been involved but it must be strange arranging a date with someone you have never met....but it seems to work in a lot of cases........I used to work with an old chap who used to contact available ladies in the local newspaper (before computers) and some of his stories were wonderful. The song tis week is entitled "Subway Songman"......and was inspired by a visit to Liverpool where I was well impressed by the musical ability of some of the buskers......these lads and lasses have more talent in their little finger than the likes of Jonathan Ross and Graham Norton have in their whole bodies....they are out in all weathers entertaining passers by for very little in return.....this song is a tribute to them all