The Grand National and The Boat Race

Don Woods show

Summary: Some schools in Birmingham want to teach 4 year olds about "life" including same sex relationships....we are talking about 4 year olds here...who are confused enough without being bombarded with this sort of that age their brains are like sponges and they take everything in... they are told what religion they are and that everyone else beliefs are wrong my opinion at that age they should be taught arithmetic and how to read and write....let them be kids.....they certainly don't need to know about sex until they are in secondary school when they can make their own minds up...and it is confusing enough then...another sad situation caused by know nothing so called grown ups. 2.I've been doing a bit of DIY lately...a very rare occurrence ... and have come across some modern packaging....I bought a pair of scissors which were contained in clear moulded plastic....which you need scissors to get into....or a Swiss army knife...similarly I bought some the time I had got through the packaging they had gone in all directions....surely with todays technology packaging could be made easier to penetrate....not to mention the risk of losing a finger during the process...even some bread has a small tag which can only be cut with a chainsaw.....when you get to a certain age patience is one of the things which goes out of the why can't these manufacturers realise this? 3.Last weekend we were treated to The Grand National...AND....the Oxford and Cambridge boatrace....and sport does not get any more boring....unless you are interested in watching some of your money go down the drain I fail to see the point of horse as for the boatrace WHO CARES?....the only one's who are remotely interested are the brainboxes who go to the two universities....I have played many sports at club level over the years so I have been a participant rather than a spectator and that could be my problem.......I think football is losing its way....when teams start leaving the field because of racist chants I think it's time for these "macho" highly paid sportsmen to have a reality check....racist chants are totally unnecessary but football needs to make allowances for idiots calling them names because they are out there and are paying their wages......I have lost interest in most sports. 4.Now if you want to drive an old car through London you have to pay £12.50....because this will save the planet....what a pile of absolute will still drive through the city and emit the same fumes so nothing will change except some will have to aint saving the planet IT'S A FINE!! for doing nothing and as usual raking money out of us...and this is going to spread to other cities...especially when they realise they can get money for nothing....this sort of crap is an insult to my intelligence. And here's a sad situation....Jeff Bezos...who is the richest man in the world...has made a record divorce settlement with his missus....27 BILLION she should be comfortable for a few years.....just to put that amount into context.....27 billion would give EVERY human being on the planet £4.......EVERY human being.....from ONE person......and if you put 27 billion pound coins side by side the line would go round the globe 14 times.....and if you stood them end to end upwards the line would reach the moon and back....this is how ridiculous the world person could solve all the problems....and there are thousands of billionaires ....makes you think eh? 5.And finally the song this week is a tribute to where I was born and bred....the Wirral Peninsula.....I feel privileged to live in this wonderful corner of the world and I have made several videos extolling its virtues....this song is taken from one of is entitled Wirral Wonderland