Joshin Byrnes & Genzan Quennell: The Continuing Stories of the Lotus Sutra Part II

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Senseis Joshin Byrnes and Genzan Quennell relay the stories of Devadatta and the Dragon Girl, two stories which both make the inclusive point that everyone will become a Buddha someday. Devadatta is the story of a disciple who attains Buddhahood even after attempting to assassinate the Buddha. The Dragon Girl is a story of an eight-year-old dragon-girl who attains complete enlightenment as a result of her compassion, wisdom, and virtue. Both stories challenge conventional notions of who might become a Buddha, people such as assassins, enemies, and those who are devalued in our society are all equally capable. As Genzan says of the Dragon Girl Story, “The instant that you raise the aspiration for enlightenment: bodhicitta, helping others, forgetting about your petty little worldview, and giving your life to the service of others. —The moment that you raise that bodhicitta, the enlightened mind arises.”<br>