Joshin Byrnes & Genzan Quennell: Zazenkai: The Parable of the Hidden Jewel

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Senseis Joshin Byrnes and Genzan Quennell tell The Parable of the Hidden Jewel, and discuss its insights by relating them to their own personal stories. The parable is the story of a poor man who discovers that a wealthy friend has sewn a priceless jewel into his robe, unbeknownst to him. The jewel symbolizes a Buddhahood that we all already possess, even if we were not previously aware of it. Sensei Genzan speaks about a morning walk in a freshly snow laden garden, and recent news of hardship in his family. He says, “Sickness, old age, and death are the truth of life… They are also jewels and dharma gates.” Sensei Joshin tells the story of a young man who has finally taken steps to reconnect with his child that he abandoned in his troubled youth. Joshin uses this story to discuss how we create the conditions for others to discover the hidden jewel which we all carry.<br>