Dallin H. Oaks On Mormon LGBT Suicide Crisis

Mormon Truth Interviews!! show

Summary: This was the Mormon Apostle Dallin H. Oaks, embarrassing himself at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, responding to a great question from Andrew Evans, regarding the "gay Mormon suicide crisis." This took place on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Andrew’s Question: “Regarding social warfare, like you said..Less than a year ago, right here in Washington, DC, my friend killed himself. He was Mormon and gay. You’ve gone on record saying that, ‘the Church does not give apologies’. Does religious freedom absolve you from responsibility in the gay Mormon suicide crisis?” Elder Oaks’ Response: “I think that’s a question that will be answered on judgment day. I can’t answer that beyond what has already been said. I know that those tragic events happen. And it’s not unique simply to the question of sexual preference. There are other cases where people have taken their own lives and blamed a church–my church–or the government, or somebody else for their taking their own lives, and I think those things have to be judged by a higher authority than exists on this earth, and I am ready to be accountable to that authority. But I think part of what my responsibility extends to, is trying to teach people to be loving, and civil and sensitive to one another so that people will not feel driven, whatever the policy disagreements, whatever the rules of the church, or the practices of a church, or any other organization, if they are administered with kindness, at the highest level or at the level of the congregation or the ward, they won’t drive people to take those extreme measures; that’s part of my responsibility to teach that. And beyond that, the rightness or wrongness of it I will be accountable to higher authority for that. That’s the way I look on that. Nobody is sadder about a case like that than I am. Maybe that’s a good note to end on.”(DISGUSTING APPLAUSE!) Great job Andrew! You exposed him!