Russell M. Nelson-Lethbridge Meeting-Stake Presidencies/Bishops

Mormon Truth Interviews!! show

Summary: This was a meeting held Saturday, June 11, 2016 in Lethbridge, Canada, with Mormon Apostle Russell M. Nelson. Here is a summary of Nelson's comments. Others also speak after he is done. This meeting also included seventies, a mission president, temple president, stake presidents & bishops. The question is, who in this room of Mormon leaders, betrayed Mr. Nelson, recording this private meeting & then posting it on the Internet, for the world to hear. Who can they trust these days? It's always great to hear what is talked about in private, that isn't meant for the rest of the members or world to hear. Thanks to whoever recorded this meeting! Enjoy! 0:00 - Russell Nelson 0:20 - 4 levels of church government plus mp and church pres 2:55 - stats 15,700,000 members of the church 3218 stakes 150 temples 4:00 Jacob 1:19 5:30 read standard works in 2 weeks. (1590 + 531 + 294 + 61 = 2472 pages 176 pages per day). Read standard works to find the purpose of God, Jesus, Satan, church, priesthood, leaders, members 9:40 calling a man and woman 10:20 Russell recalls a woman who wrote about her husband being called as hp group leader and blaming the bishop - "she didn't know where to put the blame" 11:00 who do we talk to before we ever place a call? We talk to momma. 14:20 what's satan’s purpose 16:40 people don't attack the prophet like they used to do they attack the Book of Mormon 17:40 Satan attacks right at the heart of the church which is the family. 18:10 tool of pornography. DC 38:13, 28 21:20 purpose of the church, starts with 1820 25:10 purpose of the priesthood 29:33 “not to pronounce a blessing or give a blessing to people who, in contrary to the will of the lord” on families DC 132:4 Helaman 10:8 thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will 32:30 what's the purpose of sending children to planet earth 35:00 anecdote about him being in a suit coat and others in a tattoo 40:30 End of Nelson (Elder Suarez edited out due to length) Beginning of Bassett 42:40 “Standards of the world” 56:23 End of platitudes about Proclamation & Sabbath/Bassett. Begin Nelson 57:13 End short remark of Nelson, Beginning of Evanson on self reliance & sacrifice 1:18:20 End of Evanson. Intermission. 1:19:10 (Edit) Evanson conducting, QA with Suarez, Testimonies of President Hardy, President Miles, Bassett, Suarez, Nelson 1:20:05 Intro of Suarez conducting QA 1:28:10 Growing gap between god’s standards and the world’s standards and the tension between the two. 1:35:50 “Vocal minority holding sway”. Any advice on not overstepping our bounds as church leaders but still holding onto values? 1:41:18 How do we help youth and pornography 1:50:42 RM’s and helping them 1:53:41 Advice for those suffering “same sex attraction” 2:00:41 Temple recommend questions on attending meetings 2:06:18 Good members walking away from the church. “Do you have any comments on that?” 2:11:50 End Q/A. (Testimony of Hardy, President Miles, Evanson, Bassett, Suarez edited out due to length) Beginning Russell Nelson 2:19:00 Lauding Joseph Smith “translating” 2:21:15 Projections of the church 2:29:30 Apostolic blessing(which means NOTHING!)