Benediction-Gordon B. Hinckley


Summary: As everybody that is LDS already knows, President Hinckley has a great sense of humor. In this clip, at the closing of the October 2005 General Conference, after bearing his strong testimony and thanking everyone, he jokes about the "the secretaries who labor over our talks and WRITE them time after time." How do we know he was joking? Well, first of all, the laughter of the audience is the first dead give away. Secondly, we all know that President Hinckley and all of the other General Authorities, write their own talks, using the direct and divine guidance of our Heavenly Father, not some secretaries. That is truly hilarious and I can see why everyone laughed. Also, he was so serious when he said it and that was even more reason for everyone to laugh. President Hinckley always knows how to get a good laugh out of people and he certainly did it here, didn't he? I just felt that it was important to share with everyone, the incredible humor of this amazing Prophet of God. He can bear a serious testimony and then make everyone laugh at the end and that is how it should be. That is just one of the many things that make him so great! I stand all amazed and I thank thee O God for a Prophet, to guide us(and make us laugh) in these latter-days. This talk was given at the October 2005 General Conference.