Does The Concept Of Zion Still Energize Mormon Hearts And Minds Today

Sunstone Magazine show

Summary: <p>In the early church, talk of building Zion and becoming a Zion people was everywhere. Then, twenty-five years ago, following the publishing of Hugh Nibley’s essay collection, Approaching Zion, and then an iconic “Plotting Zion” conference co-sponsored by Sunstone the following year, “Zion” seemed poised to once again rise up as a vital and energizing concept. But today, we hear much less about it. Has Zion simply become a vague thought, something we strive to practice only “within our hearts”? Are there arenas in which it still holds relevance for how we organize our lives and communities?</p> <audio class="wp-audio-shortcode" id="audio-18163-46" style="width: 100%;"><a href=""></a></audio> <p>Boyd Petersen, Jim Smithson, Rachel Whipple, Ron Madsen, Warner Woodworth</p>