Marvel Mania: Thor Ragnarok

The Avid Indoorsmen show

Summary: Marvel Mania - Thor: Ragnorak<br><br>Buegs is in Minnesota while Rob is still in California, they miss each other but they are in some great company with Sami Matarante and Adam Chance! So excited these wonderful people agreed to chat about this hilarious Marvel film. Many laughs were shared and we’re hoping they come back on the podcast AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!<br><br>Enjoy!<br><br>2:20 @SamiMararante<br>3:20 @TheAdamChance <a href="http://www.twitchtv/theadamchance" rel="noopener">www.twitchtv/theadamchance</a><br>4:00 Plot Synopsis<br>4:35 Favorite Scene<br>11:59 Best Quote<br>17:15 Best Use Of Power<br>20:36 The Tucci Award<br>29:54 How does the growth of the main character play into Endgame?