Episode 6: Donor Retention + Diversity In Nonprofit Tech

Fresh Research, a NonProfit Times Podcast show

Summary: <p><audio></audio></p> <p>Online fundraising trends continue to point to growth within mobile, so it’s not a surprise to see another study confirming what’s been happening of late.</p> <p><a href="https://go.classy.org/reports/the-state-of-modern-philanthropy?sfdc_cid=70144000000fajE&amp;utm_campaign=q118_organicsocial&amp;utm_source=tw_organic&amp;utm_medium=reports/the-state-of-modern-philanthropy" target="_blank" rel="noopener">“The State of Modern Philanthropy: Examining Online Fundraising Trends,”</a> from San Diego, Calif.-based <a href="https://www.classy.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Classy</a>,  examines data from more than 3,500 organizations and more than 2.5 million donations. It’s no surprise that mobile continues to grow but there’s a lot more to digest in the study.  Ben Cippolini, director engineering and data insights, and Carilu Dietrich, chief marketing officer, talk about some the more under-the-radar data points in Classy’s first-ever report, including donor retention, particularly as it relates to Giving Tuesday, and some of the things charities should be thinking about when it comes to donor retention.</p> <p>The 62-page report <a href="https://go.classy.org/reports/the-state-of-modern-philanthropy?sfdc_cid=70144000000fajE&amp;utm_campaign=q118_organicsocial&amp;utm_source=tw_organic&amp;utm_medium=reports/the-state-of-modern-philanthropy" target="_blank" rel="noopener">can be downloaded here</a>.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ffwd.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fast Forward</a>, a San Francisco, Calif.-based accelerator for tech nonprofits, also released its first-ever report examining the state of the nonprofit tech sector.</p> <p>Christina Shatzen, director of marking and communications at Fast Forward, joins the program in the second segment to discuss the findings in <a href="https://www.ffwd.org/blog/diversity-funding-tech-nonprofit-sector/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">“The State of Diversity and Funding in the Nonprofit Tech Sector.”</a></p> <p>The good news: Gender and racial or ethnic diversity is much more common among nonprofit tech founders as compare with those in the for-profit tech space. On the other hand, women make up only 28 percent of the engineering teams at tech nonprofits.</p> <p>Overall, tech nonprofits struggle to make the leap from “seed” stage funding to budgets of $1 million; a level only reached by about a third of tech nonprofits.</p> <p>Data were analyzed from 348 tech nonprofits compiled into Fast Forward’s <a href="https://www.ffwd.org/tech-nonprofits/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Global Tech Nonprofit Directory</a>. The seven-page report <a href="https://www.ffwd.org/blog/diversity-funding-tech-nonprofit-sector/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">can be downloaded here</a>.</p> <p>Fast Forward also recently <a href="https://www.ffwd.org/blog/accelerator/fast-forwards-2018-accelerator-cohort/?mc_cid=bdc9827311&amp;mc_eid=379090a908" target="_blank" rel="noopener">announced its 2018 accelerator cohort</a>. Each of the 10 tech nonprofits will receive a $25,000 grant; three months of curated training; meetings with more than 100 mentors, access to their peer community; and two Demo Days, where they pitch to hundreds of philanthropists, funders and leaders in corporate social responsibility (CSR).</p>