Gotham by Geeks ep 3 Beware of the Tom King

Gotham by Geeks : A Batman podcast show

Summary: Darrell, Chris, Russ and Mike are joined by superstar writer Tom King (Grayson, Robin War, Omega Men, Vision, and The Sheriff of Babylon ) to discuss Batman #433-435 Action Comics #654 Batman: In Darkest Knight Batman #417-420 (Ten Nights of the Beast) And back again is our top 5 list, where we each rank our Top 5 Brutal/Hardcore Moments in Bat books Send us your feedback to and we’ll read it on the show. Follow us on Twitter at @ByGotham or check out our Facebook page. You can hear us on iTunes , hipcast or download we are also available on stitcher radio under the TaylorNetwork feed. follow us on twitter @ByGotham or join us on the Gotham by Geeks facebook page