Indie Originals Live 032: 2019 REPLAY 1

Indie Originals show

Summary: Every few months, we collect some of our favorite tunes and throw them together for a wonderful little recap we like to call REPLAY. We used to do replays on our shows, but people told us they didn’t get it, so we figured it’d be better to do it this way. Our BEST OF shows are stupid popular, so the best way for us to promote indie artists is to do these periodic collections, so that’s what we’re doing here. So there. <br><br>First off, INDIECON! Moving along nicely, still time to enter at <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>. <br><br>Second, did you know our host Chuck Fresh is the voice of Sirius XM radio? You knew I sounded familiar, didn’t you… whatever.<br><br>Third, there was some sad news in the IOL community last month. <br><br>As Fast As I Can by Cigarettes and Roses 28<br>Jenny Pagliaro — Massachusetts native, Santa Monica yoga instructor, lead singer of Roses &amp; Cigarettes — -- succumbed to metastatic breast cancer at just 35 years old. <br><br>Angela Petrilli recalls auditioning for a cover band Jenny fronted. “It was like I knew her my whole life. She’d always be the first person I’d hear from every day. Every. Single. Day. Always checking in, sending each other funny pictures, song ideas, shared plans back and forth on how we were gonna become rock stars…” <br><br>Jenny beat back cancer in 2015, after Roses and Cigarrets released their self-titled debut album, but in 2016 she was diagnosed as Stage 4. When she returned to performing, one of her yoga students was surprised to find his teacher rocking onstage. She was an inspiration to a lot of people. <br><br>Last January, Pagliaro had to stop teaching, and pretty much everything else, as she struggled with fatigue and prayed a last-ditch Y90 treatment would be “a light in a very dark tunnel.” Their last EP, “Echoes and Silence” was released in February, which accompanied the “Fast As I Can” video with Jenny’s comment that the song was “about not letting the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced stop you from living your dreams.” <br><br>Here’s one out to Jenny, and any other people who are living with cancer, or who have lost someone to cancer. Here’s Cigarettes and Roses with AS FAST AS I CAN on IOL.<br><br>Whisper In The Mist by Alto Key 21<br>Alto Key is a British indie folk artist, led by singer-songwriter Keyan Barton. Barton actually got a scholarship when he went to university. He bought all the essentials for his degree and accommodations. But rather than saving the leftover money (like someone with common sense), he blew the rest on this keyboard. And thank goodness he did. Barton works with other musicians around the world to record and collaborate. Their emphasis on the beauty of real instruments makes for a warm acoustic sound. Check out this gorgeous track called Whisper In The Mist by Alto Key on IOL.<br><br>Warning Signs by Chasing Shadows 22<br>Chasing Shadows grew up in a town that has seen better days. Their journey started in August 2014 at the Kings Head in Rhuddlan, North Wales, and since then, Sam, Ben, Russ &amp; Chris have been producing powerful harmonic songs that’ll stick in your ears for hours to come. Their new EP, Darker Days, sees the band return to their rockier roots. ‘Warning Signs’ was released first, with the track receiving placement on indie stations all over the world. Here’s Warning Signs by Chasing Shadows on Indie Originals Live. <br><br>Facedown by 14 North (22)<br>14 North is a Rock band from Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Their sound is a hard-rocking take on 90's grunge with influences from Nirvana and Alice in Chains to Foo Fighters and Puddle of Mudd. And these guys CRUSH it! Check out Facedown by 14 North on IOL.<br><br>Is It Love by December Fades (22)<br>December Fades is Los Angeles singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Kevin Rogers. He has created a beautiful soundscape of heartfelt lyrics and...