The Awful & Awesome Entertainment Wrap show

Summary: Deepanjana Pal and Rajyasree Sen have a special guest this week - Abhinandan Sekhri​, connoisseur of Punjabi pop and one of the few people who watched Rock On 2​. The three of them ​discuss the controversial PayTM ads​ and you can find out what Sekhri and Shah Rukh Khan (allegedly)​ ​have in common. There's no bandh on the drama with these three. There's also Ananya Birla​'s new album​ and fans of Shael Oswal, you're in luck. For those of you who haven't heard of either of these two people: listen, learn and enjoy. ​There's also a round-up of the how ​the best of America's satirists reacted to ​Donald Trump's victory. ​Though the one trumping all of them may well be the winsome John Cleese. ​ As always, there's a ​quiz ​question ​at the end. Listen up and send us your comments and answers at For reference visit:…wrap-episode-18