TGDN presents Terry Bombeke of Shooting Sportsman Magazine

The Gun Dog Notebook show

Summary: If you haven't had an adventure in the uplands yet, you'll find it here in the conversation with Terry Bombeke of Shooting Sportsman Magazine. Terry is a well versed, well traveled upland bird hunter and dog man to the core. He's had an extensive career with Shooting Sportsman Magazine and taken a boat load of birds in many different countries and continents. Stay tuned for an awesome conversation with Terry! Thanks again to my supporting system of affiliates and sponsors: The Pride Dog Food, Project Upland, Orvis, Dakota283 Kennels, Lion Country Supply, and my other friends and family who have contributed to the growth of this podcast. I hope you guys enjoy. Also, you can purchase The Gun Dog Notebook No. II through the link below:…tebook-no-ii Also, please subscribe to the Project Upland Magazine at For Dakota283, use my promo code TGDN50DD at checkout on when you purchase any of the kennels and receive 50% off any of the Dine n Dash Products! It is available until the end of March. If you haven't already, please go and subscribe to Shooting Sportsman magazine as well! Don't forget to please rate and review this podcast as well on Soundcloud and iTunes Podcast App! Thanks so much for listening and supporting The Gun Dog Notebook Podcast.