Joanna Parker of Yumble – Products and Solutions – Wednesday

Moms Got This show

Summary: Charts for rewarding positive behavior, planning the week with your kids, menu planning, self-care, leading healthy lives by example, Saturday as a family day, and putting down the phone.  Joanna Parker, Co-founder of Yumble shares her mom products and solutions with Stacy Igel and Michelle Park. (Instagram:@yumblekids and @joannasparker)<br> In this episode:<br> <br> A chart for behavior and tasks<br> A year and a half into the business from conception<br> Charts important and a crucial part for kids across ages<br> Sending charts with each box<br> The goal of the chart is to make kids feel good about themselves<br> Sundays menu planning, planning out the week together<br> Tying an allowance to the star chart<br> Making time for yourself, self care, and being healthy<br> Displaying to children about a healthy life<br> Ties into Yumble’s mission to make kids eat healthier<br> Getting sleep while being up early<br> Saturday a family day—phone stays upstairs the whole day on Saturday<br> When kids tell Joanna to not look at phone when talking to them<br> <br> To share your #MOMSGOTTHIS MOMENT just call 833-844-THIS-MOM (833-844-7666) and leave a voicemail with your first name and city along with your moment.