#AskAchieve 36: How to Put Together Supersets, Can Kettlebells Be Your Sole Training Tool, and How Long it Takes to Pass Your Personal Trainer Certification!

Sweat Out; Happiness In! show

Summary: What's up, Achievers?! We've a fun one for you today! We first dive into our mission that we most recently shared on Instagram, as well as our experience at a powerlifting meet with our Achieve Powerlifting team! Then we cover exactly what "supersets" are and how to utilize them appropriately (9:41)! We also discuss whether or not we think kettlebells can be the sole implement in a training program or if you should also include dumbbells and barbells (14:19). Lastly, we go over how long it "should" take to pass your CPT (certified personal trainer exam) and the most important qualities of a good fitness coach (18:11)! We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, please subscribe and review us on iTunes! Pretty please! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! Lauren and Jason