#AskAchieve 41: How to Build Quad/Hamstring Strength While Having Lower Back Pain, Spot Reducing Fat, and Our Advice for a Gym Owner Couple!

Sweat Out; Happiness In! show

Summary: What's up, Achievers?! This is one of our best episodes to date - I think we're finally getting a hang of this podcast thing! Only took us 41 episodes... Anyways, we start off by addressing negative comments and how to deal with the "haters" on your fitness journey. We've had our fair share of not-so-nice things said to us on the interwebs, and we wanted to share that with you all just so you know that everyone gets negative feedback - even fitness coaches! Next, we go over our recommendations for someone who has chronic back pain but wants to attain size and strength in his quads/hamstrings (7:17). Then, we get asked a question from a personal trainer how we work with members whose initial goals are to spot reduce fat from specific areas (11:43). Finally, we give some advice to a couple who is planning on joining each other in the world of gym ownership! (19:31) We hope this episode helped you out! If it did, we'd love if you gave two minutes of your time to leave us a review - it really helps us out! Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!