#AskAchieve 105: How to Recover without Skipping the Gym, How to Fix Hips Shooting Up During the Deadlift, and How to Determine How Many Calories You Should Eat Each Day!

Sweat Out; Happiness In! show

Summary: What's up, Achievers?! Hope all you Northeast Achievers are staying warm throughout this cold and somewhat-snowy-depending-on-where-you-live period! In the first question we talk about how to get a recovery workout in and what it entails (3:01). Next, we talk about how to address hips shooting up early during a deadlift. We talk about this YouTube video here (5:55). Finally, we address how we approach determining how many calories you should eat, as well as some other ruminations on the topic (12:22). We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, we’d love you forever if you left a rating and review on iTunes - it seriously helps us out a lot! Please DM us @achievefitnessboston on Instagram if you have any questions you’d like us to answer. Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles! Jason and Lauren