FuFWD The Future of Consumer Data #0062

Future Forward show

Summary: Our Irreconcilable Ambivalence about Data. And a quick look at the Super Bowl. Welcome to the ‘data dark ages’, where humanity seems to be losing a battle of good versus evil. Have we become defenseless by sharing our data with ‘evil-doers’ like The Russians, Steve Bannon, Facebook, and Cambridge Analytica?  Or will white knights like Apple, Mike Bloomberg and Doug Rushkoff save us all from ourselves?  Welcome to our Future of Consumer Data edition of Future Forward. I’m Gene DeRose. And I’m Steve Rosenbaum. Let’s Launch. 1- The Myth of FACEBOOK bad APPLE good Facebook BAD: Facebook’s Perfect Datastorm https://www.theverge.com/facebook/2019/1/30/18203349/facebook-research-app-apple-shutdown Apple GOOD https://www.recode.net/2019/1/30/18203231/apple-banning-facebook-research-app Actually... It’s Complicated https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-defends-spying-app-leaked-memo-employees-2019-1 2- Politics + Data = Evil.  Or maybe Data can save the world? ‘They were planning on stealing the election’: Explosive new tapes reveal Cambridge Analytica CEO’s boasts of voter suppression, manipulation and bribery https://www.opendemocracy.net/brexitinc/paul-hilder/they-were-planning-on-stealing-election-explosive-new-tapes-reveal-cambridg Inspired by ‘the revelation that Paul Manafort shared internal polling data with Russians’...  https://allpoliticsallthetime.com/very-uncool-and-very-illegal/ Russians Ready 2020 Data War https://www.clickorlando.com/news/politics/intel-chief-warns-russia-will-target-2020-elections Mike Bloomberg’s Big Data Plan to Take Down Trump https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/01/bloomberg-building-data-organization-crush-trump/581710/ 3- The real hope = People Doug Rushkoff / Team Human: How to Reclaim our Humanity in a World of Machines  https://www.ted.com/talks/douglas_rushkoff_how_to_be_team_human_in_the_digital_future Prove You’re Not a Robot https://www.fastcompany.com/90295374/how-to-reclaim-our-humanity-in-a-world-of-machines-douglas-rushkoff-team-human Tech Companies Themselves Aren’t the Evil Ones. Capitalism is The Problem https://qz.com/1529476/we-shouldnt-blame-silicon-valley-for-technologys-problems-we-should-blame-capitalism/ 4- Super Bowl Advertising: Data and Social Powered Barometer of Political Hothouse Times or Throwback to our Positive Brand Escapism of the Past? What Makes a Super Bowl Ad Successful? An Ad Exec Explains https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/1/25/18197609/super-bowl-ads-commercials-doritos-sprint-skittles Should Politics and Causes Intrude on the Super Bowl? (Three datasets) https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/why-cause-related-super-bowl-ads-are-here-to-stay/ https://morningconsult.com/2019/01/16/why-nfl-advertisers-shouldnt-worry-about-super-bowl-becoming-more-political/ https://www.marketingdive.com/news/survey-two-thirds-of-consumers-want-brands-to-keep-politics-out-of-super-b/546247/ Which Super Bowl Ads are Winning YouTube? https://tubularinsights.com/2019-super-bowl-ads/