EP 35 - Pinterest! 94% of My Website Traffic Comes from This One Source


Summary: Fact: Pinterest is the #1 traffic driver to my website (to the tune of 94% of the traffic)! I call Pinterest the residual marketing platform because out of all the social media platforms, it's the one I spend the least amount of active time on. And my pins continue to go and grow year after year, generating targeted followers and leads for my blog, podcast, and products (for less than $12 a month, btw). In today's show, I will be covering why Pinterest is the most under-utilized and under-appreciated of all the marketing platforms, why you need to be using this insanely targeted tool for your online marketing efforts, and how you can get started with some seriously simple strategies. I'll give you the direct how-to tips to becoming a Pinterest guru. I hope you enjoy.Love and light,Stef . . . FB Community: bit.ly/successsupportgroup Instagram: @stefaniegass Show Notes & Links Mentioned: stefaniegass.com/blog/35