Forgotten Pop Stars

Don Woods show

Summary: A lot of money has been raised for Comic Relief for good causes both here and abroad....63 million pounds....which makes a total of 1.3 billion since it began.......I watched the programme on it which was on all night last is a great cause and it's good to see where the money goes....but as far as the "comedy" is concerned it's a "relief" when it's seems a lot of effort goes into various comedy sketches which fall flat......for example there was a spoof of Mamma Mia which was totally unfunny and another featuring a reunion of the stars of Four Wedding and a Funeral which was a complete disaster......or maybe I am missing would be better if they simply showed the charity sections and left the comedy out.....or find something that is actually funny. What I find a bit unacceptable about all this money being sent to other countries is we have our own major problems like lack of police and lack of money for the NHS.....and the's all very nice seeing celebrities getting a bit of publicity for being involved but Africa,for example,is a big country....a LOT bigger than Britain....can they not solve their own problems? the fact we never really know where ALL the money actually goes.....perhaps we should sort ourselves out first. 2.The news has been dominated by Brexit which has totally lost me and the New Zealand killings in a mosque.....the problem with the human race is we tar everyone with the same brush....because certain nationalities have a certain percentage who want to change the world and go to any lengths for their cause we blame them all....the Muslim religion like every other has it's extremists but they are in the minority and the events in New Zealand are not the answer....perhaps if terrorists were severely and loudly disowned by those of the same race people would listen...but this doesn't seem to happen...this would help their cause and perhaps create a bit more seems they want others to sort things out for them...the terrorist in New Zealand will be dealt with by his own nationality for example..... 3.On the sporting front the wonderful BBC decided to fill our Saturday night viewing with football....ALL NIGHT....with coverage of an FA Cup quarter final ...nice for the supporters of Manchester United or Wolves....but I doubt whether the other 99% of the population required this on peak weekend viewing time...which could have been put on another channel....still I suppose it saves the BBC boffins having to use what little imagination they possess .....this was followed by Match of the Day...enough said..........this was after a day of rugby with the six nations which I did watch and enjoyed especially as Wales got the grand slam........and I see the England ladies rugby team did well...they beat Scotland 80 - Nil.........close game eh?....I bet the spectators enjoyed that....all two of them....I do admire the efforts to get ladies rugby and football off the ground but I think it's a lost cause. 4.At LONG last....we have been presented with a show on Sunday night which is worth watching....ITV have excelled themselves...All Star Musicals....which celebs being trained to perform on stage by the legendary Elaine Page....and with John Barrowman as the ideal host and no aunties,uncles and grannies in the wings it was welcome relief from the usual rubbish where so called singers see who can shout the loudest.....however it's the audience who vote for the why have judges?? 5.Lest we should forget...the song this week is a reminder of the pop stars who formed our youth....some of which have made a comeback since I wrote the song so they are not completely forgotten....the song is taken from my album Stars Over 45 and it is called "The Ballad of The Forgotten Pop Stars"