Friday February 15 New sex tape allegedly showing R. Kelly having sex with a 14yr old, Is Jussie Smollett lying? Interview on Good Morning America, Steve Harvey's slave mentality dealing with Monique

20 Minute Morning Show  show

Summary: <p>A new video has turned up with R. Kelly allegedly having sex with a 14 year old girl. The story broke last night on CNN and Michael Avenatti  The lawyer who represented stormy Daniels against President Trump is involved in this new R. Kelly saga.. The video tape is a VHS in which a CNN guest last night said it could be a doctored up tape.  We also break down the Interview from Good Morning America where Jussie Smollett  was interviewed by Robin Roberts… New developments overnight that two of those suspects that were in the grainy video that they’ve been showing on television those two men who are alleged to have attacked them have been arrested..Their lawyer says it's not them. We also followed up on the story we did about comedian Monique and Steve Harvey having an argument on his show about why Monique was blackballed in Hollywood and we talked about how much of a slave that Steve Harvey sounded like trying to explain himself...</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>