Tuesday February 26, 2019 Sex for getting bills paid = Prostitute? Patriots owner Robert Kraft sex traffic charge, R.Kelly update, Can you be friends with a prostitute? Bj Is and they try to clown him

20 Minute Morning Show  show

Summary: <p> We have updates on R. Kelly and Jussie Smollett....Shawn says most women lay down with their man to keep the peace… Robert Kraft the New England Patriots owner is paying for sex… We asked the question if you ever had your light bill or car payment paid by a man for sex are you a prostitute ? BJ. is friends with a prostitute and they try to clown him. </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="https://anchor.fm/bj-murphy9/support" rel="payment">https://anchor.fm/bj-murphy9/support</a>