Episode 2: Fakes & Forgeries

omo show

Summary: <p>How can you tell a violin is what the owner says it is? What qualifies a person as an expert? Why are some people in the field reluctant to tell you a violin is a fake, even when they know it as a fact? Rozie and Chris discuss the Voller Brothers and discuss their hand in the infamous fake - the Balfour Strad. Special guest Ben Hebbert, violin expert. For our coda, Rozie and Jerry judge Chris' luthier jokes. </p><p>Special Guests: Benjamin Hebbert and Jerry Lynn.</p><p>Sponsored By:</p><ul><li> <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.internationalviolin.com">International Violin</a>: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.internationalviolin.com">Support provided in part by International Violin</a> Promo Code: OMO at checkout</li></ul>