13: Let's Talk About Porn - Level Two

Six Minute Sex Ed show

Summary: Welcome back to Six Minute Sex Ed, the podcast that helps families talk about sex and relationships, hosted by Sex Education Teacher, Kim Cavill. For more information about Kim, check out her website: https://www.teaandintimacy.com/ This week's episode of Six Minute Sex Ed is Level Two, perfect for families with teenagers, or anyone with unsupervised access to the internet/smartphone. We're going to talk about porn in three parts: Part one: What is porn and is it harmful? Part two: Is it safe? Part three: Is it real? We all need to learn how to be safe online. Here's a link to a resource families can use to learn how to be safe online: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/internetsafetyforkids/teaching-kids-about-internet-safety/1/ Remember: Nothing is ever really anonymous or deleted: the internet is written in ink, not pencil The internet is built on predictive algorithms, which feed you what they think you will like, not what is accurate, true, or “good” It is illegal to make or consume porn under the age of 18. The currency of the internet is NOT MONEY. It is attention, so we have to spend our attention like we spend our money. Everything we click on makes someone, somewhere money, so if we click on porn that is non-consensual, degrading, violent, or exploitative, we are participating in that degradation, violence, and exploitation. Therefore, each click represents an opportunity to shape the world and the way we respond to it. Conversation starters: 1. How do you feel about porn? 2. How do you stay safe online? Thanks for listening. Remember, to keep the podcast ad-free, support Kim on Patreon for $3/month: https://www.patreon.com/sexpositiveparent