The Cure For Comparisonitis & Perfectionism | Ep. 37

Badass Manifester Podcast show

Summary: Perfection is a dead end! People don’t connect to perfection because it's unrelatable and inauthentic.<br><br>The true source of inspiration comes from comes from falling down, getting up and sharing about your experience.<br><br>There are more leaders emerging in the space of personal development, health and wellness than I have ever seen before and its awesome bc the world is shifting and awakening. It's blowing up bc people are connecting through sharing vulnerably and being who they are! <br><br>It's easy to get stuck in comparison and perfectionism in a sea full of pretty filters, inspiration and everyone living their best lives! In today's episode, I will teach you exactly how I shift out of that stagnant energy and take messy inspired action! <br><br><br>Join the program: <br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Join me on IG @manifestwithash<br>