Episode 52: So Much More Exciting Than The Super Bowl

The Morning After Ministry Show show

Summary: We love all of our sponsors, and are especially thankful for what DYM University is doing in our churches. We are so glad we get to play with them! <br><a href="https://www.dymuniversity.com/?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dymuniversity.com%2Fa%2F10517%2FLoZRyZ9P%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0rIRJ0hFsABSXmIwIPPrbA7dj3ggw7rxzGmJ7-CiGpx5wMmEmWlENfGAQ" rel="noopener">https://www.dymuniversity.com/?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dymuniversity.com%2Fa%2F10517%2FLoZRyZ9P%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0rIRJ0hFsABSXmIwIPPrbA7dj3ggw7rxzGmJ7-CiGpx5wMmEmWlENfGAQ</a><br><br>What a busy week! This weekend we got to go to Rock the Universe at Universal Studios. Between rides and awesome concerts, we were spoiled in the Youth Leader Lounges. It was a great night, and one we’re excited to experience again!<br><br>As awesome as Rock The Universe was, it made Sunday morning get here real quick. We talked what a service looks like when you are exhausted.<br><br>If you were listening a few weeks ago, you heard about the “exciting” wedding that Andrew was doing…well, it happened, and it was as exciting as it was billed. We talked some about wedding policies, and what happens when you are marrying someone from another church.<br><br>We wrapped up the show by talking about a conversation Tim had with one of our pastor buddies. We talked about how easy it is to make it look like we have it all together, when sometimes that is the furthest thing from the truth.<br><br>Thanks to Sea Salt &amp; Oil Company,<br>and Give Central for making our show possible.<br>Check out our other resources in the DYM store here: <a href="https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/shop?author=8" rel="noopener">https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/shop?author=8</a> <br>Be sure to like The Morning After Ministry on facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/morningafterministry/" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/morningafterministry/</a><br>instagram.com/morningaftermin and twitter.com/morningaftermin. You can also find Tim @t00th and Andrew @andrewlarsen<br>Be sure to check out the other shows in the DYM Podcast Network!