Episode 78 - Harry the Dirty Dog

Fuse 8 n' Kate show

Summary: Kate got a dog! A doggy dog of her very own. And you know what goes together well, like peaches and cream? Dogs and picture books. So Betsy had to figure out a classic dog picture book. And lo and behold she realized that in spite of its relative fame the show had never done a book about this particular dirty dirty dog. In the course of things Betsy and Kate solve the mystery of why Harry never rolls in mud. Meanwhile, this is a VERY springtime-related book. We hope you appreciate the robins and the daffodils. Here in February, our eyes are hungry for any and all spring things. Show Notes: - Here's an obit for Margaret Bloy Graham: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/29/books/margaret-bloy-graham-harry-the-dirty-dog-illustrator-dies-at-94.html - And another article about her from WBUR: https://www.wbur.org/artery/2015/04/17/margaret-bloy-graham - The book was #43 on the Top 100 Picture Books Poll: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2012/05/29/top-100-picture-books-43-harry-the-dirty-dog-by-gene-zion-illustrated-by-margaret-bloy-graham/ - Curious to see the Complete Listing of All Public Children's Literature Statues in the United States? Well here it is: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2017/03/28/updated-the-complete-listing-of-all-public-childrens-literature-statues-in-the-united-states/ - And at Bookworm Gardens in Sheboygan, WI you'll find this adorable little Harry. You can clean him. Look at that adorable guy!! http://www.bookwormgardens.org/ - I wasn't wrong. The Scottish Granny did read I Need a New Bum. Here, you can watch her yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQoYjU2Fh0M For the full Show Notes please visit: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2019/02/25/fuse-8-n-kate-harry-the-dirty-dog-by-gene-zion-ill-margaret-bloy-graham/