Storming The Santa Clara County Jail

True Crime Historian show

Summary: The Kidnapping Of Brooke L. Hart YESTERDAY’S NEWS -- Tales of classic scandals, scoundrels and scourges told from historic newspapers in the golden age of yellow journalism... Mob rule threatens the city of San Jose, California in Episode 279 when the scion of a beloved wealthy family, the owners of the town’s biggest department store, is kidnapped by a pair of opportunistic thugs. When the young man’s body is recovered from the waters of the San Francisco Bay, the crowd gathers around the Santa Clara County jail, and the governor of California lets popular justice take its course. *** A creation Of Pulpular Media Support your favorite podcaster at Just a dollar a month reserves your bunk at the safe house and access to exclusive content and whatever personal services you require. ZipRecruiter. The smartest way to hire. *** Opening theme by Nico Vitesse. Some music and sound effects licensed from Closing theme by Dave Sams and Rachel Schott, engineered by David Hisch at Third Street Music. Media management by Sean R. Jones Production assistance by Emily Simer Braun Richard O Jones, Executive Producer